The Wall Walk

Wall Walker™ Terms & Conditions [Original Version 9.5.22; Updated 1.5.23]


To receive and retain a log-in to the Wall Walker™ pages on The Wall Walk® website, and to obtain and retain Wall Walker™ status, I agree that:

  • I will not share my login to the Wall Walker™ webpages or any of the text, audio, video or downloadable content on the Wall Walker™ pages with anybody else.
  • The content of the Wall Walker™ pages on does not belong to me.
  • To use the content of the Wall Walker™ pages I must:
    • uphold the mana of The Wall Walk®. The Wall Walk® must honour peoples’ ancestors, knowledge handed down over time, and the direct experience of Wall Walk participants. Our goal is to strengthen bonds between people.
    • guard against any inappropriate use of Wall Walk resources and/or ‘off-piste’ facilitation that could harm the reputation of The Wall Walk®, acknowledging that marketing is driven via ‘word of mouth.’ It is important to us that the integrity of The Wall Walk® be maintained at all times.
    • only deliver The Wall Walk® free-of-charge to audiences inside the New Zealand Police (“NZP”) or the Ministry of Social Development (“MSD”). This is in recognition of NZP and MSD supporting the creation and development of The Wall Walk®. I will be certified by Sim, and get her permission, before offering to deliver The Wall Walk® to anyone else.

I further accept that:

  • The website links on The Wall Walk® website are provided “as is,” that content may change on the linked sites and that we are not responsible for any such changes. We use our best efforts to ensure that content at third party sites is accurate and available for use.
  • The Not-For-Profit and Charities named on The Wall Walk® website are reputable organisations at the date of publication on the website. We have no affiliation with the named organisations and therefore do not guarantee their on-going reputation. As such, if I choose to become involved or donate to any such organisation it will be my sole responsibility to ensure they are reputable at that time.
  • If we update or modify the content of The Wall Walk® I will comply with any direction provided to me (by us) as to updating the delivery of my Wall Walk® sessions subsequent to such updates.