The Wall Walk
Speech Marks

“Acknowledgment involves an acceptance not only of the existence of a phenomenon, but of its emotional and social significance. It presupposes a sense of responsibility for the occurrence, and an understanding of the meaning that it has for the persons involved and for society as a whole”.

Speech Marks
– Albie Sachs, The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law (2009)

Each phase should contain a range of activities like...


Wall Walk – an interactive ½ day workshop designed to teach people some of the patterns in the history of bicultural relations in Aotearoa. You can do this in-person or on-demand from the comfort of your own home or office.

Talanoa with the Polynesian Panthers. This is a free-flowing Q&A session with Pacific peoples who have first-hand experience of racism in Aotearoa and how to annihilate it. Get hold of Dr Melani Anae at Auckland University

Wall Walks & Talanoa can take an emotional toll that makes going straight back to work hard. The team at Aki Innovations can provide pastoral care during Wall Walks, arrange kairongoā and debriefs.

In-depth training in Te Tiriti goes hand-in-hand with a Wall Walk. Contact Dr Veronica Tāwhai and JJ Carberry, or, Kūwaha Limited , or, Tania Te Whenua

If you want to equip your team with tools for having Courageous Conversations About Race, then reach out to Matt Farry of CCAR via social media.


Use tools like Māori Maps and Te Kāhui Māngai to find out which Iwi’s territory you are in. Look up their website(s) to find out more about them and their history.

Put into practice any mihi and pēpeha you have learnt and ask them to work with you to understand the history of the land your premises are on. Pay them for their expertise.

Get to know your local Iwi, the things that matter to them and their hopes for the future. Visit memorials and unmarked sites of significance alongside them. Listen to the history as told by them. Pay them accordingly. Wellingtonians are encouraged to contact Ngāti Toa to arrange a deeper dive into Māori and Pasifika history in and around Porirua.

Dig deep into the past 50 years of your own agency’s history and relationships with Māori. Share what you have learnt about yourselves with Iwi.


Find ways to give Iwi the data and analysis you hold about them. Take the steps necessary to ‘pipe’ the data to Te Whata

Identify default settings, internal ‘business rules’, criteria and decision-making points that are affecting Māori. Make that visible.

Work with Iwi on mutually agreed projects. Don’t assume you’ll be in the driving seat. “Let it go”.

Employ more Māori and create meaningful pathways to senior roles with bigger budgets and authority.

Recognise and reward language and cultural skills just as you would any other specialised skillsets.

If you need a helping hand with historical research, get in touch with Dr Vincent O’Malley at History Works