The Wall Walk

Nau mai haere mai!

We've created an OnDemand version of The Wall Walk so that you can do it at your own pace and place


Whether you’ve attended a Wall Walk in-person and want to do it again or this is your first time, by the end you’ll have a good grounding in the basics of the history of Māori-Crown relations and see more clearly how the past affects the present.

There are two ways to do The Wall Walk On Demand...


All in one hit
(set aside a full day)


Spread out over a number of days/weeks

This course is designed for individuals. However, if a small group of you want to do it together, you should each buy a login. Then organise yourselves to do the course at the same time and book a couple of online meetings during the day to discuss what you  learn. We will provide you with prompts for reflecting on with others.

Prep work

Allow a few days to complete!

Find a photo of someone from each generation of your family stretching from the early 1900s to today, if possible.

If you can’t find photos, use silhouettes or something else to represent them.

Name and date each person.

Start with a photo of you!

If you can’t do this, don’t worry. You still have a story to tell.

Testing is underway. We'll be LIVE on 1 May 2023