The Wall Walk

Whaea Power Virtual Gallery

The best-known and most often remembered Māori women who lived and worked in the 20th century were Te Puea Hērangi and Kiri Te Kanawa. I took a gamble that people would already know about Te Puea and Kiri, and didn’t profile them in my video. You won’t find them in this gallery either. I hope they would approve of my decision to shine a light on Māori women who aren’t as well known outside of their own communities.

When you’ve seen enough of the gallery, click ‘Mark Complete’ and ‘Next Topic’ for more inspiration.

Makereti Papakura

Rangi Topeora

Iriaka Rātana

Meri Mangakāhia

Airini Grennell

Ākenehi Tomoana

Rumātiki Ruth Wright

Heeni Te Kirikaramu Pore

Whetū Tirikātene-Sullivan

Tuaiwa Rickard

Hariata Rongo (aka Rongo Hongi)

Ruia Morrison

Mere Rikiriki